Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Magic at Twilight (not sparkly)...

The twilight of sleep. When the conscious mind begins pulling the shutters and the subconscious goes out for the night.

The other night I was between the sheets and going under when I heard and saw a girl at the side of my bed. I will repeat that. I heard and saw a girl lean over my bed. It wasn't long, happened in a less than a second. She whispered so clearly.

Wake up, Tony.

She said that. I heard it. I saw it. I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. There was no girl there. Of course not.

I'm not suggesting she was real. In fact, it's not the first time I've heard something like that, always in the twilight zone (boom!). I don't believe in ghosts, I don't think anyone was trying to communicate from another plane. I guess all those things could be true, I'm just saying I don't believe that's the case.

I can't remember which book it was, maybe Steven Pinker's How the Mind Works, that gave pretty good insight into how our brains function. There's a fact that I'm totally going to butcher, but it was something like, given medical technology today, we've learn more about the brain in the last couple of decades than all the time preceding it.


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