Saturday, September 10, 2022

The Claus Universe Continues... ToyWorld (Book 10)


Book 10 in the Claus Universe is wrapped and ready. ToyWorld: Home of the Christmas Thief will release November 1. Like all Claus Universe novels, this is a standalone story. Although there are Easter eggs. Preorder the ebook to have ready when the clock strikes midnight. Paperback, hardback and the audiobook will also be available for the holiday season.



The Claus Universe is a series of stand alone novels featured legendary holiday characters reimagined in scifi/fantasy adventure. I never planned to write a scifi/fantasy series until my nephew, 6 years old at the time, swore Santa's elves came to visit him on the down low. He was 100% serious. 

Here it is, 10 Claus books later. Elven live in the ice. Reindeer fly with helium bladders. My wife didn't get it. I mean, I was furious when I discovered the truth about Santa Claus and reindeer and elves and here I am writing stories that explain how Santa Claus and reindeer and elves are real. I couldn't explain it, at first. I was pissed when my mom kept insisting Santa was real. YOU LIED! was my response. 

We did it different. Is Santa real? our son said. 

What do you think? 

I don't think he's real. 

Here's the deal. Don't tell your sister.

At that point, it was a blast. Put out milk and cookies, throw the carrots on the sidewalk. And when they figured it out, they were in the club. It's how the Claus Universe evolved. A dash of science fiction, a teaspoon of fantasy and a bucket full of adventure.

Let's have some fun.

By the way, 10% of profits goes to various charities, depending on the Claus book. ToyWorld will donate to Imagination Foundation



ToyWorld: Home of the Christmas Thief

Hiro’s parents rearrange the furniture every December.

They make space in the corner for something tall. They plug in string lights and leave them on the floor. Sometimes, they cut down a tree but don’t know what to do with it. It’s not just Hiro’s parents. Everyone does it. Come January, they all straighten up their living rooms and everything goes back to normal. They do this every year.

No one knows why.

Something’s missing and they all feel it, but they never wonder what it is. And every year that passes, the world becomes colder and grayer. Until Hiro has a dream.

It's a world of magic, where he can taste sounds and hear thoughts, see things that defy the laws of physics and biology. It’s a place where trees are decorated and stockings are hung above the fireplace. Every day is celebrated with gifts.

It's the last place where joy exists.

Someone has stolen the Christmas spirit from the universe and hidden it in the dream. Hiro doesn’t remember a jolly fat man or flying reindeer, or elves on the North Pole. No one in Hiro’s world remembers Christmas at all.

Hiro and others like him need to free the Christmas spirit. This is their one and only chance. If they fail, his world and all others like it will stay cold and gray without Christmas... unless they discover the thief's true identity.

It's closer than they think.



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