I speak English. Just can't always write it.
I just released
Foreverland is Dead. It's my 10th novel, I think. It's a good sign when you can't remember how many you have out, but then again I can't remember a lot of things. I keep in touch with the indie publishing (formerly known as self-publishers) community, which is invaluable. Some indies are killing it, rolling in 6 figures annually. The fact that I'm making ANY money is wondrous.
But all things are relative.
One indie,
Elle Casey, is like a writing machine, cranking out 20+ novels in less than a couple years (again, run those stats through my memory filter, they're ballpark). I generate about 3 books a year. I'm a slacker. My wife says:
You sound like the skinny girl that thinks she's fat.
She's right. The fact I can even write 70,000 words is an accomplishment. And they're coherent. And people like them (some, not all; no fiction writer wins them all, not even Rowling).
Here's why indie writing has a place in the world. I suck at English. I'm not the worst, I know some big words and when to use them, most of the time. Incorrigible, see? I just used that. However, it became abundantly clear just how far I am from professional writing when I had
Foreverland is Dead edited. It's clear I don't know:
- When to use lay/lie
- When to use farther/further (didn't even know I was screwing that up)
- Once my character "shuttered" (instead of "shuddered")
- Once my character walked down an "isle" (that would be "aisle")
- I don't care about dangling participles (but dangling is funny)
- I don't care about semi-colons or ems because I'll never know how to use them properly (that doesn't stop me from using them
- I don't care about font treatment (larger font, all caps; evidently this is frowned upon)
Here's the deal. I'm a decent storyteller. I've got some tales to spin, but I don't care about proper English etiquette. That bothers some readers. They have every right. The English language is a craft some hold close to their heart. It doesn't bother other readers (I couldn't care less).
I'll never win a Hugo Award or impress an English professor. I just want to tell the story. My editor can have it pressed and ready for the dance.